Ghedi Street Food Festival – 28-30 settembre 2022

Piazza Roma will be animated for three days by the Ghedi Street Food Festival, an event dedicated to quality street food from all over Italy, organized by Vitamin C with the precious collaboration of the Ghedi Traders Association. Many nice kitchens all strictly on wheels will invade the beautiful town flooding the air with perfumes and making everyone's mouth water! Among the proposals: regional specialties, hamburgers for all tastes, fried dumplings, panozzo and panzerotto, Modenese tigelle, stuffed olives, meat, fish and vegetarian meatballs, sandwiches with octopus, fish directly from Romagna for the most refined palates, Abruzzo arrosticini, guaranteed gluten-free specialties, sweet temptations and much more! There will be a children's area where you can entertain your puppies during the days of the event. Live music every night!

Onemhotel hotel near Ghedi Brescia Italy, applies discounts to all operators and visitors related to the event, furthermore being a pet friendly hotel that accepts dogs, it will provide the necessary dog ​​kit for your four-legged friend.